LandonHarter wrote: “Gotta go with something in mind!” - Euphoria by Uplink & Jason Gewalt My loose JSAB OC. Wkmewsic wrote:( anyway, i hope this doesn't count as advertising, but here's where I keep my fanart of this game ) NOTED /pos Mobile = no browser extensions & no browser extensions = no image uploading, so…

Nowdays, I like Sevcon & Lunartic so much that I yeeted them into mifernite.( misconception? what might that be? )( what form of speech does this formatting represent? ) I’d post a picture that conveys my thoughts best, but right now, I’m playing Minecraft on my iPad with Safari open in a side window. If you do, every JSAB fan will have nightmares for the rest of the week. Don't open up the WBP Workspace in Turbowarp & go to the sprite named “NNRM 2019”. Don't tell anyone, but I fit into that stereotype. He's technically the embodiment of a potential misconception among people who don't play JSAB, but try to get to get involved with it's community anyways.

Wkmewsic wrote:( anyway, i hope this doesn't count as advertising, but here's where I keep my fanart of this game )